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A selection from more than 20 years of my work, covering a wide range of subjects, media and practice. 

You can also see specific galleries for A Mvskoke Journey (work that explores my Mvskoke ancestry), Commissions, Community Art Projects, Drawing, Embroidery, Installations, Mixed Media, Needle Felt, Painting, Photography, Poetry, Prints, Quilts, Textile Art, Video, and Wearable Art. Some work appears in multiple galleries.

Cotton and silk, 162xm x 102cm

Beneath the Summer Moon

Galleries: Poetry, Quilts, Textile
Cotton, 75cm x 75cm

Autumn Star

Galleries: Quilts, Textile
Cotton, 90cm x 72cm

Leaving the Garden

Galleries: Quilts, Textile
Cotton, 90cm x 72cm

Pacific Coast

Galleries: Quilts, Textile
Cotton, 230cm x 200cm

Nellie's Nine Patch

Galleries: Quilts, Textile
Cotton and Olive Ash Frame, 89cm x 48cm

Solstice Moon

Cotton, Silk, Olive Ash, Acrylic, 213 x 137 x 234cm

Enter the Forest of Dreams

Cotton, Silk, Organza, Maple, Acrylic, 178x147x18cm

Desert River Goddess

Cotton, Silk, Elm, 142 x 61 x 3cm

In the Fullness of Summer

Galleries: Mixed Media, Quilts, Textile
Cotton, Beads, Found Wood, 89cm x 46cm

Elegant Decay

Cotton, 109cm x 38cm

Splendid Profusion

Galleries: Emboidery, Quilts, Textile
Cotton, Velvet, Plastic, Canvas Beads, 76x46cm


Galleries: Emboidery, Quilts, Textile
Cotton, Organza, Angelina Fibres, Acrylic, 69x51cm

The Color of Love

Galleries: CommissionsEmboidery, Quilts, Textile

Cotton, Organza, Silk, Paper, Linen Thread, 109x25cm

The Forest Knows

Cotton, Silk, Screenprint, Lokta Paper, Metallic Paint, 51cm x 20cm


Cartidge Paper, Collage, Paint, 99cm x 99cm

Ivory Fish

Galleries: Embroidery, Mixed Media, Quilts, Textile

Organza, Acetate, Lutradur, Beads, 98cm x 98cm

Le Mariage de la Riviere et du Ciel

Silk, Cotton, Screenprint, Fabric Paint, 128x119cm


Cotton, Lurex, Gold Leaf, 153cm x 70cm

Manhattan Angel

Galleries: Quilts, Textile
Cotton, Paper, Canvas, Paint, 32x32cm each

All of My Memories & Eloquent River

Cotton, Angelina Fibres, Oil Paint, Found Wood

Ver Sacrum

Galleries: Poetry, Quilts, Textile
Silk, Monoprinted Cotton, Beads, Feathers, Paper, 102cmx40cm

Winter Trees Wept

Organza, Cotton, 82 cm x 41cm


Gallery: Textile
Canvas, Silkm Suede, Thread, Slate, Paper, Beads, Wood, 20cm x 52cm

Journey Bundle

Organza, Synthetic Fabric, Paint, 130cm x 97cm

Suncast Shadows

Galleries: Poetry, Textile

Celestial Jewelbox

Galleries: Quilts, Textile
Paper, Pencil, Glitter, Pastel, 25cm x 40cm

My Grandmother's Shoes

Vilene, Buckram, 14.5cm x 48cm

South Bank Stories I

Vilene, Buckram, Silk Paper, 14.5cm x 48cm

Le Voyage Sacre

Vilene, Lutradur, Lokta Paper, Paint, 14.5 x 48cm

South Bank Stories II

Rice Paper, Metal, 116cm x 23cm diameter

Suncast Shadows Lamp

Architectural Tracing Paper, Pressed Flowers

Illustrated Memories Installation

Organza, Cotton Thread, Wire

South Bank

Paper, Thread, Foam Board, Paint, 29cm x 42cm

Portrait of My Dad

Architectural Tracing Paper, Organza, Beads, Thread, 29cm x 42cm

As Long As Grass Grows

Paper, Thread, 29cm x 42cm

Half Breed

Paper, Thread, 49cm x 39cm
Linen, Thread, Beads

Rattlesnake Gorget

Galleries: A Mvskoke Journey, Embroidery, Textile

Acrylic on Board, 51cm x 40cm

Part Indian, Half Breed, Savage

Cotton, Lutradur, Paper, Metallic Thread, 29cmx21cm

Suncast Shadows I

Cotton, Organza, Metallic Fabric, 29cm x 21cm

Suncast Shadows II

Acetate, Polythene, Beads, Thread, 29cm x 21cm

Suncast Shadows III

Cotton Fabric, Thread,

Processions Banner

Felt, Organza, Wool, Silk, Thread, Sequins, Wood, Beads, 86cm x 28cm

The Road to Oklahoma I

Cotton, Silk, 150cm x 183cm

The Road to Oklahoma II

Textile, Leather, Beads, Thread, 130 x 79 x 2.5cm

SacRED Threads

Anglina, Wire, Beads, Paper, 10 x 15 x 15cm


Angelina, Wire, Beads, 14 x 14 x 14cm

Spring Returns

Gallery: Mixed Media
Acrylic on Canvas, 60cm x 80cm

Locv - Earth Diver

Monoprint, 11cm x 11cm (Mounted)

Hvse - Sun

Hvcce Poyvfekcv - River Spirit

Oil Pastel on Paper, 28cm x 28cm

First World

Found Wood, Oil Pastel, Watercolour Pencil, Acrylic Paint, 48cm x 48cm

Ecatēcvlke Enfvyvtete Pome Enliketv
(Red Stick Leads Us Home)

Mushroom Compost on Paper

Earth Diver II


Tafv - Feather


Rvro Cate - Red Fish


Rvro Poyfecv - Ghost Fish


Rvro Holatte - Blue Fish

Needle Felt, 29cm x 29cm (Mounted)


Needle Felt, 29cm x 29cm (Mounted)

Six Towns Held By River Spirit

Paper, Organza, Thread

Indian With a Car


Woods, River, Trees

Collagraph, Paint

Woods, River, Trees II