All copyright and intellectual rights (including the right of reproduction of any image in whole or in part in any medium) of the artwork or goods and their design are and remain the property of Melinda Schwakhofer, and the purchaser or owner of any artwork or goods created by Melinda Schwakhofer agrees that they will not for any purpose copy the artwork goods, commission copies of the artwork or goods or otherwise cause them to be copied by any person, company or other organisation. These copyright terms must be communicated to any other purchaser should the original purchaser sell the item(s) or provide it or them as a gift(s) to any other person or commercial or public or private entity in the future. Contact Melinda Schwakhofer in writing to gain prior consent before using any images or content for any other purpose. Anyone found to be in breach of copyright will be legally pursued.
The laws of England and Wales govern these terms and conditions. By accessing this website for any reason, whether to purchase available products or not, you consent to these terms and conditions and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in all disputes arising out of such access. Melinda Schwakhofer reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time and your continued use of this website will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms.
In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 and the Consumer Protection Act 1987, I confirm that the Products that I supply as a distributor do not present a hazard to health and safety a) when properly used for the purpose for which they are designed; and b) if you take reasonable and normal precautions in their use.
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© Melinda Schwakhofer 2020